About Leo Erken

Nieuwe Leliestraat 12 sous
1015 SP Amsterdam

Mail us at: amsterdam@nl12.nl

About Leo Erken:

Leo Erken (1964) studied photography at AKI Academy of fine Art in Enschede, the Netherlands from 1983 till 1988. In 1988 he moved to Amsterdam to become an independent photojournalist. His work was published in newspapers, magazines and other media around the world. From 1999 he works -besides photography- mostly on documentary film and new media projects. He is a lecturer at AKV | St. Joost art academy in Breda, the Netherlands.

Leo Erken (1964) studierte von 1983 bis 1988 Fotografie an der damaligen AKI Kunstakademie in Enschede, Niederlande. In dem Jahr seines Abschlußdiploms zog er nach Amsterdam, um freier Fotojournalist zu werden. Seine Arbeiten wurden weltweit in Zeitungen, Zeitschriften und anderen Medien veröffentlicht. In den späten 1990ern begann er, sich dem Dokumentarfilm und VR zuzuwenden.

Leo Erken’s work is based on a journalistic interest for the social developments. He is a storyteller with the clear personal thematic range. After he had graduated from AKI (Visual Arts Academy in Enschede) he worked as a photojournalist for the local newspapers and magazines. In that time he has made his first reportages about the furious situation in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. He would stay on this subject for about 12 years. His general subject of interest is “hope”, then there came also “survival” and “conflict”. At first his work was published in the news pages of the newspapers and magazines. Then it developed further towards the back pages and the special editions van the printed medias. His work was soon noticed by the artistic foundations and collectors that helped him to develop further. Then came other stages: billboards on the buildings, exhibitions, books, internet and TV. From 1999 he works less with photography or documentary film and more on new media projects.

This site is made by Leonie Hoever based on the ‘Smart Mag’ theme.

Please note that all copyrights on this site belong to the authors, photographers and designers. This website and its content are protected by international laws on copyright. Anyone who wants to copy or publish the photos, the text or the design needs the permission of the copyright holders. Using our material on the Internet is also a form of publication. If you have questions about copyright please contact us.

Leo is lecturer at St Joost School of Art & Design in Breda, the Netherlands.

NL12 is the name of Leo Erken’s Amsterdam based workshop. At NL12 we develop and produce journalistic stories for multimedia, printed media as well as for television. We also help other orginasations with the production of multimedia, books, films and exhibitions.

All pictures by Leo Erken (or stated otherwise). Leo is represented by Laif in Germany and Panos in the UK.

Please note that all copyrights on this site belong to the authors, photographers and designers. This website and its content are protected by international laws on copyright. Anyone who wants to copy or publish the photos, the text or the design needs the permission of the copyright holders. Using our material on the Internet is also a form of publication. If you have questions about copyright please contact us.

Marie Louise Schipper

Friend in books